Aesop’s Fables By: Aesop


Aesop’s Fables By: Aesop | Audiobooks – Philosophy | [email protected]/s | 65.67 MiB
2005-08-23 | ASIN: B002V0K0K2 | english | 2h22m

Author: Aesop
Narrated by: Jonathan Kent
By their nature, “fables” are “fabulous”, larger than life, the characters often using wit and guile to save themselves from circumstances. Thus Brer Rabbit is more than a bunny in a briar patch, just as Mowgli is more than a wolf child.

Aesop, an ancient Greek poet who was sold into slavery in the early sixth century B.C, relied on animal stories to convey his key points to his masters in court. Aesop’s Fables are now classic, memorable morality plays in which amusing animal characters drive home thought-provoking morals to generations of listeners and modern day readers. They illustrate what was fundamental to Greek culture yet their appeal lies in logic we still understand.

Fables from different cultures frequently overlap in the lessons they teach. If we would only stop to listen, there is an important lesson for us to learn from these fables; mankind is one, not several.

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