Blake Rules and Netherfriends-Kids Trap 8-WEB-2019-ENRAGED

Blake Rules and Netherfriends-Kids Trap 8-WEB-2019-ENRAGED | 43M | Music/MP3

NFO (Click to Show)

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       �             ARTIST.....: Blake Rules and Netherfriends
                     TITLE......: Kids Trap 8
                     LABEL......: Netherfriends
                     GENRE......: Hip-Hop
                     RIP DATE...: 2019-07-20
                     RETAIL DATE: 2019-04-05
                     RUNTIME....: 17:53
                     TRACKS.....: 9
                     SIZE.......: 42.56MB
                     QUALITY....: 320kbps 44.1kHz
                     CODEC......: MP3 (MPEG-2 Audio Layer III)
                     ENCODER....: LAME

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                     01. Breakfast Time                      02:40
                     02. Don't Be a Litter Bug               01:22
                     03. Shower Time                         02:43
                     04. Get Up, Quick, Move                 01:56
                     05. It's Raining                        01:49
                     06. Eat Fruit Every Day                 01:39
                     07. Riding on My Bike                   01:32
                     08. I Love My House                     02:12
                     09. Beautiful Day                       02:00

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  bringing you, all the      ������۰ ��� ���������۱��۲�������   ۰  
  mainstream & underground  �������� ���� ���������۱���������۱  ��   
  urban music!             �������۲����۰����۰ ��۱�����۱     ��  ��
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                      ����۲������۲����    �����۲         very angry; furious.
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Download Blake Rules and Netherfriends-Kids Trap 8-WEB-2019-ENRAGED ( Size: 43M ) :

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